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BLONDOR GELI is a professional-grade, creamy gel hair lightener designed to provide intense lifting power with minimal damage to the hair. Formulated with a unique combination of ingredients, it offers controlled, even lightening for a range of hair colors, from dark to light. Ideal for use in salons or by professionals, it delivers precise and consistent results, making it suitable for various hair coloring techniques, including highlights, balayage, and full head lightening.
BLONDOR POWDER is a professional-grade powder lightener designed for high-performance hair lightening. It offers versatile application for various lightening techniques, including highlights, full head lightening, and balayage. The formula provides up to 7 levels of lift, depending on the developer and application time used, delivering consistent and reliable results. Its advanced formula is designed to minimize hair damage, ensuring the hair remains soft and smooth after the lightening process.
Cystiphane Anti-Hair Loss Lotion is a topical treatment designed to promote scalp health and strengthen hair. This lotion contains effective ingredients that stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, helping to encourage hair growth and prevent hair loss. It is enriched with vitamins and minerals that nourish the hair follicles and strengthen them from the roots to the tips.
Cystiphane Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo is a therapeutic shampoo formulated with effective ingredients designed to treat hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. This shampoo deeply cleanses the scalp while strengthening hair follicles and stimulating blood circulation in the scalp. It contains nourishing natural ingredients that help reduce hair loss and improve hair density and quality with regular use.
Ecrinal Ampoules are an effective treatment for strengthening nails and hair. They contain a rich formula of vitamins and minerals that promote nail and hair growth, as well as strengthen them from the root. These ampoules are ideal for individuals experiencing weak nails or hair loss.
شامبو فيشي ديركوس المغذي لإزالة السموم شامبو منقي للشعر وفروة الرأس تركيبته التي تجمع بين السبيرولينا والفحم المنقي وقاعدة تنظيف نباتية معتدلة تنعش فروة الرأس وتنظف جزيئات التلوث وتضمن الشعر الخفيف
يعمل على القضاء على قشرة الرأس وتقليل فروة الرأس الدهنية يمنح شامبو فيشي ديركوس المضاد للقشرة العادي إلى الدهني شعرك العناية التي يستحقها
فيشي ديركوس شامبو ضد القشرة والجفاف لفروة الرأس الحساسة للبشرة خالي من الكبريتات 200 مل يعطي التركيب بدون أملاح الكبريتات شعر ناعم وحريري
1 - غنيّة بمزيج فريد من الأصباغ النباتيّة ذات الخصائص الممتازة 2 - تضمن لونًا جميلا ومتألّقا لا يتلاشى 3 - خالية من الأمونيا و لطيفة على فروة الرأس 4 - تغطية 100٪ للشعر الرمادي
1 - غنيّة بمزيج فريد من الأصباغ النباتيّة ذات الخصائص الممتازة 2 - تضمن لونًا جميلا ومتألّقا لا يتلاشى 3 - خالية من الأمونيا و لطيفة على فروة الرأس 4 - تغطية 100٪ للشعر الرمادي