
يعد هذا المستحضر الجديد المناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة إضافة مثالية بعدجل ألو فيرا. تعمل المكونات النشطة ذات القيمة العالية والمركزة على تهدئة البشرة وتمنحها ترطيبًا مكثفًا. كما إن كريم التجديد اللطيف بالصبار مثالي أيضًا للبشرة الحساسة المعرضة للتهيج، ويدعم عملية تجدد خلايا البشرة لتبدو منتعشة ونضرة.
17% Off
Fair & White Powder Vit-C is an innovative product containing pure Vitamin C in a powder form, designed to brighten the skin and enhance its radiance. This product helps combat signs of aging and reduce the appearance of dark spots, giving the skin a more youthful and glowing look.
A rich facial moisturizer that utilizes naturally active spring water and deliver long lasting hydration to dry skin. formulated with shea butter and avène thermal spring water, restoring and maintaining optimum hydration whilst softening the complexion and minimizing the appearance of fine lines. quickly penetrating into the skin, suitable for sensitive and dry skin.
Eucerin Hyaluron Filler Vit-C Booster offers an intensive treatment to improve skin appearance and fill fine lines. This product features a unique formula combining pure hyaluronic acid with stabilized Vitamin C, helping to renew the skin and enhance its radiance. Thanks to its deep repair technology, this serum targets signs of aging such as fine lines and pigmentation, giving the skin a more youthful and firm appearance. The product comes in a pack of 3 vials, making it suitable for intensive use.
إيفاكلار اتش أيزوبيوم سوزينج مويسترايزر من لاروش بوزيه عبارة عن مرطب للوجه خفيف الوزن يرطب البشرة لمدة تصل إلى ٤٨ ساعة ويقلل الجفاف الناتج عن علاجات حب الشباب. يرتكز إيفاكلار اتش أيزوبيوم سوزينج مويسترايزر من لاروش بوزيه في مكوناته على علم الميكروبيوم ويحتوي على الجلسرين، السكوالين وبروسيراد لعلاج البشرة الجافة، توفير ترطيب طويل الأمد، تنظيم إنتاج الزهم وتخفيف ظهور علامات حب الشباب والعيوب. تركيبته المرطبة غنية بالخصائص المضادة للالتهابات لمنع التهيج، الحكة والانزعاج الذي تسببه علاجات حب الشباب، كما يعالج البشرة ويقوي حاجزها الواقي لتصبح نظيفة ومريحة تماماً. تم اختباره تحت إشراف أطباء الجلد والعيون. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة، هو مثالي للبشرة الحساسة الناتجة عن علاجات حب الشباب.
Potaphil Body Lotion is a gentle, non-greasy moisturizer designed to hydrate and soothe dry, sensitive skin. Formulated to maintain the skin's natural moisture balance, Potaphil is suitable for everyday use on all skin types, including those prone to irritation and dryness. Its lightweight formula absorbs quickly, providing long-lasting hydration without clogging pores. This lotion is ideal for use on both the body and face, making it a versatile addition to your skincare routine.
Acooje Hydrating Aqua Lotion is a lightweight, hydrating lotion formulated to replenish and moisturize the skin. It absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and hydrated.
This cream combats dryness-induced skin damage by delivering nourishment and moisture through Niacinamide and Echinacea Purpurea Extract.
8% Off
Nova Clear Night Hydro Cream is designed to nourish and hydrate the skin while you sleep. It contains effective ingredients that work to renew the skin and improve its elasticity overnight.
41% Off
Oz Naturals' offer combines the benefits of Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid in one product, helping to improve the appearance of the skin and increase its hydration. This product is considered ideal for combating signs of aging and maintaining radiant and glowing skin.
16% Off
Repagen Exclusive Cream is an advanced anti-aging product designed to improve the appearance of the skin and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This cream is considered ideal for those seeking to maintain youthful and radiant skin, as it works to hydrate the skin and enhance its elasticity.
A body lotion with a light, non-greasy formula, quickly absorbed, giving the skin a silky softness. Contains powerful ingredients such as shea butter, rosehip oil, and jojoba seed oil, providing deep hydration for dry skin.
23% Off
Uriage Thermal Water Cream is designed to hydrate and soothe the skin, as it contains Uriage thermal water rich in minerals and beneficial elements for the skin. This cream helps to enhance the skin's moisture barrier, making it look soft and radiant.
An effective facial cleanser aimed at deeply cleaning the skin, removing blemishes, opening pores, and increasing the skin's shine and softness. Contains:
16% Off
**KLAPP SKIN NATURAL ALOE VERA GEL (50 ml)** is a moisturizing gel extracted from the aloe vera plant, used to meet the multiple needs of the skin. It is considered ideal for moisturizing and soothing the skin, especially after sun exposure.
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