Dawakom 💊
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It is a gel commonly used to treat scars and improve the appearance of the skin after wounds or surgical procedures.
Silicone gel to treat and reduce scars while unifying color
Exfoliating cream used for pimples and pigmentation
Exfoliating cream used for pimples and pigmentation
A medical cream that treats skin problems such as allergies, itching and rashes
Bepanthen Wound Healing Cream disinfects and repairs wounds and burns
Calamine skin soothing lotion
Cream to treat fungal infections of the skin
محلول موضعي لمعالجة الفطريات
محلول مضاد بكتيريا يستخدم لعلاج حب الشباب
Use on the face, chest or back to treat acne
Use on the face, chest or back to treat acne
يستخدم لعلاج التهابات الجلد متل الاكزيما و اي التهاب جلدي مصحوب بحكة , الاستخدام حسب وصفة الطبيب
A cream that treats burns and helps heal skin ulcers, with wheat extract
Fucidin ointment, an antibiotic that treats skin infections.
An antibiotic cream containing a low percentage of corticosteroid to treat skin inflammation.
Antibacterial ointment with multiple uses
دواء لعلاج الاتهابات الجلديو منها لدغات البعوض و الاكزيما و الحساسية و الطفح الجلدي , يحتوي على الكورتيزون المخفف ليقلل من الحكة و التورم